Puppies uglies
The Pomeranian puppy uglies actually refers to the time between Pom puppy-hood and adulthood. The puppy uglies usually start at age 3 or 4 months, and will completely diminish by age 8 to 14 months. Throughout this development phase your puppy' coat will start to thin out and look a bit scruffy. Throughout this development phase your puppy' coat will start to thin out and look a bit scruffy. Pomeranian puppies have a thick, fluffy coat that they begin to shed around 3 months of age. The puppy will continue to lose hair until he is between 8 and 10 months old, when his adult coat has grown in.
Adult coat
When a Pom is just about 1 year old, he will have his adult coat. It is extremely normal for a Pomeranian's fur to change color as the Pom matures. It happens more often than not. This element is one of the exciting things about owning a Pom. Your Pom should be brushed twice a week to keep him fluffy and bathed on a regular basis -- which can be once a week or once every few months, depending on the condition of his fur.